Thursday, November 22, 2012

Three Outfits Inspired by Thanksgiving

Happy Turkey Day!

Before we go out to our families houses and completely stuff our faces, we have to pick out our outfits! When lounging around the house, eating all day and watching football who wants to worry about uncomfortable clothes?
Here are three outfits inspired by the traditional Thanksgiving Story (or at least the one they tell us in school)

The Turkey

Outfits Inspired by Halloween

The most comfy outfit for the most tiring food. A sweater, scarf, and moccasins? Can you get more comfortable?

Posh Pilgrim

Posh Pilgrim

Add some edge to your traditional pilgrim inspired outfit with some studded boots.

A Feast with the Natives

A Feast with the Natives

Get in touch with nature and channel the Native Americans who feasted with the Pilgrims to form this wonderful holiday in the first place! Take advantage of the two trends: fur vests and oxblood!

No matter how you dress, make sure you take some part of the day to be thankful for family, friends, and everything you may have!

Any questions or comments? Leave them below?

1 comment:

  1. شركة نقل عفش بالاحساء من افضل شركات نقل العفش والاثاث بمدينة الاحساء بخصومات كبيره للعملاء ارخص اسعار سيارات نقل الاثاث بالاحساء
