Saturday, July 21, 2012

Introducing Daily Finds on Facebook!

From now on for every day of the week I will post an interesting internet find on the Shopping Girl vs the World Facebook page!
The topics will be the following:

Sunday Shoeday- SHOES!!!

Make Me Laugh Mondays- No one likes Mondays unless you happen to work at a salon, then you get Mondays off. But for the rest of us, we need something to cheer us up. This is the day for funny videos, articles, and other random links on the internet.

Travel Tuesday- Pictures of dream destinations and fun things to do there including sight-seeing, eating, and, of course, shopping!

Wordy Wednesdays- It can be anything from words of wisdom from icons to definitions of fun words that everyone should know about.

Thrifty Thursday- Tips for shopping in thrift stores and consignment shops and some of the best thrift stores in different cities and states!

Fun Fact Friday- I will share a fun fact about fashion or other interesting things.

Sing It Saturday- I will share the song from any genre, old or new, that I have had on replay all week.

It all starts this Sunday, July 22!

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