Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Using Your Resources: Magazines

Magazines. No matter how internet focused the world becomes, Magazines will always be a great source of entertainment for a relaxing day.
1. There are so many magazines available and it can be hard to choose which ones to read; especially if you're on a budget.
The first step to saving with magazines is to subscribe. If you are constantly buying magazines off the rack in stores, it can end up costing you a lot more than it should. For example, the cover price of one issue of InStyle Magazine is $3.99. If you buy every issue for that year, you will have paid $51.87 not including tax. However if you subscribe to InStyle you pay only $1.92 an issue adding up to only $19.50 a year, saving you about $32.
2. After narrowing down the number of magazines you decide to subscribe to each year, you can still read the articles from the ones you don't by visiting their websites. Many magazine will give you daily articles, videos, and tips daily and some even post the exact articles from their issues. You can buy clothes from their latest issue and enter contests.
3. Many magazines offer their readers discounts on featured stores and merchandise. They will be posted throughout the issue or listed on their websites. The publishers of InStyle Magazine have created their own website just for deals.

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